Friday, May 15, 2009

Things Change In an Instant!

This weeks has been full of learning and new experiences for me. I was so shocked to be offered this awesome position with an amazing company. Everyone has been so helpful in showing me around and making me feel welcome. I knew that it was almost to great of a week. Tonight I went to the doctor for a simple problem and found out that my right kidney is only working at 41% the doctor told me that she was going to prescribe me a new drug that supposedly can jump start the kidney and "hopefully" it will start to fix it's own problems. Evidently this all began around my 4 month time period of my pregnancy. I'm not going to get into specifics but had we caught this while I was pregnant they would have terminated Christopher.... no regrets on my part! I'm just going to tell him for the rest of my life that he killed my kidney... lol.

On a happier note I have taken new pictures of him. Since I'm working now my time has been cut by 75% I also have a video of him but that I will add tomorrow. Pray for me and cross you fingers that my right kidney is not down for the count and bounces back!


Beth said...

Will be thinking about you and praying for your health ;')

Alison said...

Thinking good thoughts... keep a postive attitude girl! How's Christopher doing with you leaving for work?