Saturday, May 2, 2009

A Baby Bootie, Mr. Caterpillar, and A Question

I have been fighting a loosing battle lately with trying to remove Christopher from his Binky. I know that taking it away at night isn’t all that feasible just yet but during the day he should be able to be without it. For a while now I have just taken it from him at random times and saying, “You don’t need that stupid Binky”, but that is not working to well anymore. Now if I try to take it from him he just screams until I give it back. Any Suggestions?

Now on to a cutie patootie! Christopher was waiting for his bath last night (NAKED!) and I couldn’t resist a bootie shot. He has the funniest quirk, whenever the water splashes loud he clenches his but cheeks together….. I also remembered my camera today so I thought I would show better quality photos of him sitting alone. The first one he was just sitting there… no big thing. The other two we had given him back his Boppy, which is normally around him so he won’t fall, and he just looked and laughed like I don’t need you anymore. ( Just realized how dirty his shirt is... oh well)
Finally I have a video I took of him a few days after Mimi left of him playing with Mr. Caterpillar.

Mr. Caterpillar from Sara Cotter on Vimeo.


Alison said...

I talked with a couple of mom's here at work and we all agree... don't worry about taking the binky away just yet. Christopher needs to discover other ways to get the comfort that the binky provides. This should develop over time. Most experts advise 1-2 years old is the time to do it, but I think its a personal thing, if you feel it's time, then it's time. Most wait till the child is a bit older than Christopher because then it's easier for the child to understand when you explain that Santa needs the binky for his reindeer! Or you might choose to have a Binky Goodbye Party. There are many suggestions, just google the question "When do I take away the binky from my baby".You'll be able to tell if you need to make a big deal out of it, or if the binky just goes bye bye one day!

Alison said...

P.S. No matter what... never let the crying make you back down on what you want to do. It's hard to ignore, but you've got to be strong. When it's time for the binky to go, it's not because you're trying to torture him, it's because the pacifier is not healthy for him to have any longer. (Teeth coming in, sick with a cold, etc.) After about a week, the crying should stop. (According to what I've read). They simply forget about it.