Saturday, February 6, 2010

Silly Little Boy

My favorite time of the day has to be right before Christopher goes to bed. I've posted before about his nighttime routine, but failed to mention how much I love spending this time with him. He is always in the best moods right before bed, and can make my most horrible day fall to the wayside.

Tonight just happened to be a night where I wasn't in a hurry to get him in to bed. Who cares if he goes to sleep at 7:45 or 8:45 (it ended up being the later of those two). While we played in his room I grabbed my camera to capture a few of these moments. However it never fails that as soon as I start taking a video, the batteries die. Epic Fail on my part for not checking first.

I hope that everyone else has a few of these moments at some point in their day that make you sit back and say, "Life is wonderful"! Have a great night!

Goodnight Chat! from Sara Cotter on Vimeo.