Monday, March 23, 2009

Rubber Duckies and Baby Bruises

I love watching Christopher play in the bathtub! He still can't sit up well enough to play with all of his toys but he is in love with his rubber duckies. His favorite is the one dressed like a police officer and as much as I try to reverse this, he cares less about the firefighter duck. He is in that stage now where everything is going to him mouth including, in a recent development, his toes. I have tried to get a picture of him sucking his toes (mostly because I am in awe at how he manages this) but that is a picture for another day.

The video is of him playing in his activity center. Lately he has been hitting his right arm against anything in range resulting in a few bruises. I really wish he would stop! I keep wondering if someone is going to ask if I abuse my child. Ignore my rambling in the background I was on the phone with Jeff-Fa-Fa.

He has no concept of pain from Sara Cotter on Vimeo.